Saturday, May 16, 2009

Travis update

Another week in Ghana. This week went by pretty good. It
rained which I really liked. When it rains so far it has only
been at night but the clouds stick around for a good part of
the day which is nice. Plus when it rains it washes some of
the dirty rubbish smell away. I don't know why but lately I
have been spending a lot of time on our roof. I found out that
it is completely flat and really easy to get up there so yeah put
two and two together. Plus the mango tree is pretty close to it
so I do some scouting waiting for the clumps of them to start

We had zone interviews on Thursday which went really well. I
gave a talk about how I am increasing my faith. Luckily there was
another elder who was speaking on the same thing and his talk
wasn't very good at all, seemed like he tried to throw it together
why he was saying it so mine shined in comparison which made
me pretty happy. I spent a lot of time at our apartment this week
though. Friday mid afternoon my companion told me we had to
hurry back to the apartment. He uh got runny tummy pretty bad
and stayed there for the rest of the day and then during the night
it progressed to him having malaria so all of Saturday I sat around
our apartment. It was SOOOO boring. Luckily he seems to be doing
a lot better so we should be fine. On Sunday we got to watch
conference but unfortunately I wasn't able to watch very much of it.
We were doing interviews for baptism and I was the one who was
going and getting people. I also helped to teach this nine year old
about the restoration with an Elder Richards(english guy). It was
pretty challenging to have him understand but we took care of it.

I did catch part of Elder Anderson's saturday afternoon about
the six D's. I thought it was good with how it all starts with a little
doubt. Then Jeffrey R. Holland gave a powerful talk and President
Monson's closing remarks in the sunday afternoon were probably
some of my favorites that I got bits and pieces of. That has been
about it so far. Hope everyone else's week went good.

love elder gibson

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