Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Just another normal week for the most part. Tuesday was fairly interesting. We were teaching a lesson when a naked guy ran by followed by a crowd. He had stolen something so they were going to beat him. We were teaching with a member so he went and checked it out. Luckily there were some people who kind of stood up for the guy so that the police could come and pick him up instead of being beat to death. We got a new Ward Mission Leader this week. I think it will be really good. He is a returned missionary which is a big help for sure.

Mangoes have been popping up like crazy. It has been a pretty sweet treat to have. Some of them are HUGE! This week we finally had our water turned back on. It had gotten so hot that the whole city was basically shut off. It rained really hard like two days in a row so they turned it back on. We met two guys this week who own a Ghanaian gym. Basically metal pipes and old car parts. I wish it was closer to our apartment I'd probably hit it up. The two guys are really big though. One of them is named Gigi and the other is Martin. Martin has wanted to become a pastor so it is really interesting to teach him. We received a referral this week for a young woman in our area. Her mother was baptized in Greece and had heard that her grand kids were sick and called the missionaries to see if they could receive a blessing. The crazy part is that it took less then 12hrs from the mother in Greece in hearing about it for us to show up at her house.

We had a member, the Sackey family, feed us this week it was really interesting because they use to live in Scotland so they tell all kinds of funny stories about what it was like in Scotland. More or less how different Western culture is. Friday night my companion and I scrubbed and filled the baptismal font for Saturday. As we were leaving the chapel we ran into the other missionaries we live with, Elder Kalou and Elder Schmidt. They asked if we could go help teach a guy. I felt like the missionary mafia rolling four deep. Oh well it was sweet since we actually gave the man a baptismal date that night. Saturday we were lucky enough to have our baptism without any kinds of problems. Everyone was on time and all those things . . . oh yeah except someone had taken the baptismal clothes home or something from the night before. We rounded some up so it ended up all good.

That same day we went to teach the children of the one of the men that had been baptized. As we sat down to teach we had all the kids in that same house come. Ended up getting up to 10 kids surrounding us. It was pretty hectic. Valentines was very low key here for us. By the time we closed from church we had a member who had prepared fufu since it was Valentines day. After that we did some work and went home for the night. Today we broke our door handle. One of the missionaries tried to open the door without unlocking it and just broke off our handle. Everyone was surprised that we could just go get a door handle and put it on ourselves. Thanks Dad for teaching me how to do things myself basically we would be stuck in our apartment otherwise. That is about it from me, have a great week!

Happy belated LOVE day to you too! My companion isn't feeling too well so we aren't spending too much time. I hope everything is going good for you guys! Love ya!
Elder Travis

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