Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Zone Conference was pretty sweet. We talked a lot about the parable of the sower. Kind of tied in with how no effort is really wasted but if it is unfocused effort it is about as close to a waste as we can get. At Zone Conference the district leaders will go up and write their goals on a whiteboard. Right before it all started our zone leaders came up to me and told me to write a certain number but that our goal is going to be reduced by Pres. Smith's direction. Don't really know what is up with that but hey I'm not in charge. Here is a little bit more of Comfort's story. This week we introduced the Book of Mormon and she ate it up. She really enjoyed even just reading the introduction and as a refreshing change it was nice that she reads EVERYTHING that we give her not just a part. That is a big problem with some of the people. They will read the first paragraph and just not continue with it. Though she didn't come to church so we'll have to be sure and check on that and make sure it is still going smoothly. Who knows.

I went to my recent convert's house and he had his truck out front. His name is Christian Baiden and he drives for Coca Cola. His truck is pretty massive. He can haul 700 crates of minerals with 24 minerals per crate. We met some interesting people this week. A drunk guy who kept telling us he'd come to church . . .if we gave him money. Yeah right, next time. Met a man named Gilbert who hasn't cut his hair in about 10 years. His dreads are massive. Met two guys from California too. I asked them what they were doing here and they didn't know. Just were here enjoying I guess. Had a baptism this week. It went well. We were a little worried since it was in the afternoon because our ward had a temple trip in the morning. Luckily everyone got there in plenty of time and even everyone was able to show up for their confirmations Sunday morning. It was exceptionally good since President Smith was in our chapel on Sunday so it went smoothly was a blessing for sure.

I had a little bit of an awkward moment though. One of the boys in the Yeboah family (the ones I baptized) had been given the priesthood and they wanted him to pass but he didn't have a tie and well I was willing to let him borrow mine. Right after that the ward clerk had called me to come and do some stuff with the records that they had in question. As we were walking around a corner we ran into President Smith and he asked where my tie was. Luckily he was okay with it though since I would be getting it back. I've noticed when I've been in the apartment after closing for the night how naked I feel maybe without my tag or even a tie. Crazy what you just get use to. A major benefit of having President Smith around the church was that we needed an abortion interview for someone who is going to baptized this weekend so he was able to take care of that no problem.

Joseph Kyei another one of my recent converts told me he wanted to take us to his hometown and show us this place where dwarves have carved into stones a enormous owejuria or mancala playing ground. It is the game that is pretty popular game here and I'm sure most of you know what it is too. It is actually in our zone so I think we will be able to go but it probably won't be for the next week or two. Which depends on transfers which is this week. I wouldn't mind staying and I wouldn't mind going. We'll see what happens. Sunday we had some way too much fufu. Our first counselor invited us to his house right after church. Ate big big ball of fufu and then while we were there another call came and we were invited to another fufu dinner. Back to back was just too much. I think I was the only one who could walk normal back to our apartment. It was pretty great though. I didn't have to make anything for breakfast this morning! :D

I just want to let everyone know that I love you and am glad to hear that everything is going so well. I am having a wonderful time in Ghana. True it has its ups and downs but it is always teaching me something. Especially about staying positive. ANYWAY hope everyone has a wonderful week! Love ya!

It is really stressed for us to teach tithing. If the people we teach are willing to pay their tithing then the chances of them staying in the church is so much HIGHER. Definitely helps us to put off the natural man. Since the man of the world is just money money money.
Love you guys!

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