Saturday, April 25, 2009

Easter in Ghana

Another random picture of me yawning

These guys are on pilgrimage, I think, they
don't speak English but they asked to
take a picture with us since we are missionaries.

Monday Monday MONDAY!!!! Okay so it really isn't
that exciting but it is overcast which excites me pretty
much a lot. This week I had some sweet experiences.
Last monday we went to the Accra Mall. That is right . . .
MALL . . . and it made me feel like I was back home
walking through one of the malls, kind of. Our real goal
was to go to shoprite. Shoprite is a South Africa chain
of grocery stores with basically american food. I didn't
actually buy anything but it was pretty crazy to just
have the feel of everything like it was back home.
Threw me for a trip kind of, I felt really out of place.

Missionary fridge

Okay so normally it isn't like this but we had zone conference

We had zone conference this week. It was another
weird experience to see that Elder Adams is going
home and he bore his "going home testimony" at
the conference. I guess time goes on. I met the Area
Doctor and just chatted it up with him for a little bit.
He loves this place outside of Page, Cantelope Canyon?
I didn't know the place but he says it is the most
spectacular place he has ever seen. I guess I'm just
missing out but wondered if you guys knew anything
about it.

The kid on the bike wants to be a missionary so I told him
he could take my tag and bike and go with Elder Molobi.
Too bad his mom wouldn't accept me as a trade for a son.

SOOOO Easter here is a WAY big deal. They
have Easter Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
All of which are Holy days. Pretty much either you
are going to church or just have a 4 day weekend to
booze and what not. It was really challenging to get
anyone to take us serious. I think it probably has to
do with several of the night clubs and hang out spots
being in my area. At least the people who we did get
to meet with seemed interested. I was pretty
disappointed I guess the Easter Bunny can't' hop to
Ghana it is too far. Plus people here don't really like
sweets so he wouldn't of left anything anyway.

Easter Sunday Morning Pancake Festival,
might not be a holiday but I think it should be.
Heavenly Goodness on a plate, with syrup even!

About the only other exciting news is that I'm going
on transfers. Yay! I'll be going to Lartebiokorshie and
be companions with another Ghanaian, Elder Menyah.
I've gone on splits with him since he is our Zone Leader.
That is the apartment where the mosquitos attacked
way back in February though. I'm really excited even
though I'm going from one of the hardest areas in my
mission to pretty much the next I am pretty excited
for a chance of scenary and everything. That is about
it from my side of the pond. Hope everyone has had
a great week!

Just a random picture of the street

I've got to run but I hope you guys have a great week!
I love you!
Elder Gibson

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