Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Update from Ghana

Modeling picture. I just like it because
I look really really sunburnt but I'm not.
Plus I like the temple.

Makes me glad I didn't go to this party if that is
what they were drinking.

Just so you know with more surety what it says.

Ghanaian Shower/Toliet Combo!

This is the bathroom part, the shower is just a
bucket that you use to wash with.

Glad that we have one of these
at my apartment

This is what the bush looks like. It is the backyard of a
member that invited us over on Sunday for food but it was fast
Sunday and she forgot so we just talked about America. They've
visited America, mostly Utah.

Sitting on their balcony. Sister Rose (the member)
said I had no fear since I was willing to sit on the
railing while someone took a picture.
We climbed to the top of a really tall
building and took some pictures.
Here are some of them.

Then there is the one with me carrying my bike.
It was sort of in a rougher neighborhood so we
didn't trust leaving our bikes even chained up
so yeah up all 12 floors was my work out for the day.

My companion actually took this one as I
was looking at the city. I thought he was
using the bathroom and wasn't
expecting a picture.

So due to some problems we were having with getting everything
arranged for the baptism I wasn't able to be in the picture with
our baptismal candidates but here they are. The guy standing up
and the girl on his left were the ones I taught.
A random one I forgot to include with the others

Well how to describe this week, pretty normal. Routine. Monday
we didn't do too much. Ended up having a home evening we
planned fall through which made us think pretty quick about
what to do with the investigator we invited. Lucky I am just really
good at making people like me cause I called a member, Sister
Nyarko, and she let us come to her house and crash theirs.
Tuesday night something interesting happened. We had two
baptismal candidates that needed to be interviewed so we just
went on splits with the Zone Leaders to get them done faster.
I went with an Elder Boam who is white and about 6'4" or so
pretty tall anyway. When we went to the hostel, the guy isn't
a permanent resident of Ghana he is actually Nigerian, one of
the guys that lives around came over and kept bowing to us
calling us the two great white princes. Made for some pretty
interesting stares from people around. Luckily Ricky, baptismal
candidate, came and saved us. He passed his interview and was
baptized on saturday, so was the other candidate. Her name is
Faustina Augme and she is extremely shy and hardly speaks
any english. It was glad to finally see her baptized. We have
been working with her to learn everything for about 2 months
or so. Elder Molobi is starting to get a better grasp of the area.
It makes me wonder whether I will be transferred this time or
if I'll stay at the mission home for the first 6 months of my
mission. Guess we will wait and see. Something that I really
liked was that on Sunday as it was Fast and Testimony meeting
Ricky the guy we baptized and got up and bore his testimony
after being confirmed. He told all about how from the first time
he had met with us he knew there was something special about
the church because of the feeling the Joseph Smith story put into
his heart. It was really rewarding to hear him say that. Made
some of the frustrations and discouragements go away for a
little while at least.

For General Conference we get to watch a recorded version later
on sometime I don't know the whole story about how it works yet.
Hope you have a terrific week!

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