Wednesday, June 17, 2009

This past week has been pretty sweet. A lot of the week was
somehow rainy and overcast which basically rocked! We
went and taught the father of the Asumah family, he is
pretty much the only one not baptized. It was cool to be
teaching the Law of Chasity and have him already know
everything because his wife and (grand)son taught him
before we came. Definitely love it when the members will
take a bit of time and help us out. We went to this
reservoir in our area that is one of the borders. It is a
sweet ride because as you go out there it is by the agriculture
lands so it is just fields. Nice to get away from the dirty city.

There was one day that after it had rained the sun came out
and made it like an oven. We were teaching this security
guard at a public shower house and he asked if we could
stop the lesson because the whole time Elder Riding and
I were sweating so bad we were dripping on the pamphlet
we were using to introduce The Restoration. A lot of the
Ghanaians love to TRY and guess ages I guess. We had a
few of our visits were it was my first time of people
wanting to guess my age. The overall average is between
23-26ish. Mostly because I talk like someone here that has
gone to university and is finished with school. We also had
the kid army following us. All of these little kids would see
us and basically follow us from appointment to appointment
because they liked the fact we were white. It didn't help at
all when we told them to leave in twi, they just liked us
more because we can speak their language small.

Something that was very interesting this week is that we
had a companionship fast. On the day of our fast it was really
tough. Appointments kept dropping, or the ones that went
through the people weren't paying attention or being serious
about anything we were sharing. All of that on top of being
hungry made me a little irritated. I started acting like I
didn't speak English to people who called us obruni obruni!
(white man/foreigner) I started answering in spanish. Yeah
luckily they didn't know how to react and left me alone.
The thing that was really sweet about our fast was the day
after. It seemed as if everything was working our way on
the day after. Especially because the first two lessons we
had to start the day off were just great. Good spirit and
participation. The entire day just went sweet. Definitely
a faith building day as we could feel the people we were
teaching being touched by the Holy Ghost. Basically made
me pretty happy.

I also learned that Northern people are really primitive.
They are very tribal. Enough that when they see white
people they basically think the person is Jesus Christ.
That is why missionaries have never been
sent to the north. I started wearing sunglasses while
proselyting this last week. That makes it not as bad, I
squint a lot less and notice more things. We had a baptism
on Saturday. The guy that was for our companionship is
named Robert Addae. He is a 20yr old college student
and way cool. I guess he didn't quite start out like it but
by the time I met with him the two three times before
he was baptized he was golden. His enthusiasm was
probably one of the things I noticed the most.

That same day we went to visit another guy named Louis
Poku who is part of the baptism we are planning for the
20th. He is staying at his sister's as his visa was revoked
to return to Italy where his wife and kids live as he on the
plane at the airport preparing for takeoff. Anyway his
sister's kid was circumcised like Wednesday or something.
Definitely looks painful and I'm glad I don't remember it.
What was funny was the kid was just laying on coffee table
and while we were there he would pee and it was like a
fountain. It was even funnier when Louis told us that same
thing happened but the kid pee-ed on his laptop. Yeah bad
luck oh.

I started making my own fried rice this week. Not as good as
I can buy on the street but it has potential. Church was a
little tense. We were expecting several people and by the
time the sacrament was passed only one had showed up.
Lucky for us the other 4 people showed up which was a
relief since that will keep us on track to baptize them in this
transfer cycle to fulfill the goal Elder Riding set. Everyone
in the apartment loves the Missionary Newsletter and wishes
their stake did something like it. I told them come to Taylor,
we just hook people up like that.

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