Monday, November 9, 2009

This week went pretty good for us. We had Zone Conference which was pretty sweet. We had it in our meeting house which was nice not to have to fight through the traffic in the morning. We opened the doors and as President Smith came in he called me to the side and told me that this upcoming transfer I will be training a straight out of the MTC Elder. We'll have to see how that goes. That same day I went on splits to do some baptismal interviews. One of the best parts was right at the end. On the tro tro ride back to our apartment a guy sat next to me and kept sneaking looks at me and so I contacted and kind of shared the message of the restoration. He doesn't live in any area that is really that close but we hooked him up with the number of the missionaries where he stays so hopefully it all works out. I saw a guy wearing a shirt that I have back home. The one that says Save a Cow Eat a Vegetarian. Made me laugh. I wanted to stop him and ask for a picture but we were late to an appointment. We have an investigator now named Edward Zanoo. He is going to school and his boss is a member. He is way sweet but man he loves to go off on the craziest tangents. Last time it went to Scientology and ghosts. Always is a good time. We'll have to see how it plays out with him. There is another investigator that has a cool story. Her name is Helan she just finished the equivalent of High School. We taught her and she came to church when we watched conference. When we went to see her this week her sister Ophelia joined us. What was sweet is that Helen had taught her sister exactly taught her. After the lesson we talked to her parents who both said that next time they were going to make time to join us after hearing a little bit of what Helen and Ophelia said. Something else that went pretty good this week is we gave a baptismal date to two investigators. Kobby Essel and Mary Joshua. Luckily they live with a member so it has been kind of easy going with them. It will be sweet if it works out to have them baptized on the 21st since it will be my year mark. We'll see if it happens. So Saturday we got the transfer call. Elder Frimpong will be going to a place called Oda. It is more like being in the jungle so I was pretty jealous. Our apartment will lose two. Elder Richards will stay and finish his mission with an Elder from the Ivory Coast. I'll probably have an American or Nigerian companion but I don't find out till I pick him up on Wednesday. Last night we didn't have any water so we had to fetch it. Didn't think people would stop watching soccer to see four guys carrying water on their heads. I got tired of using small buckets so I said we should just go get our big bucket and carry it. Yeah bonus points to me because we finished it in one trip. Though I had to command someone to help me carry it. It was a pretty fun adventure, at least we were able to bathe. That is basically the highlights of the week. Hope everyone is doing great!

That is a super sweet story about the Madrid Temple. The Accra Temple has a similar story I guess. It is built on basically the main road of Accra which is the capital. I mean around the temple there are embassies for Canada, Holland, America, and some other countries. Along with even the President Mansion. Like the White House but times at least 10. Ghana's government then didn't want the temple anywhere near where it is. The Church owned the land but weren't allowed to begin building. By and by things just opened up so that nothing could stop the progression of it. Guess you can just see God's hand in everything for sure. Love ya guys!

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