Thursday, February 5, 2009

News from Travis

Man it sounds like I missed a great super bowl game. Was there a
lot of good commercials? This week I learned some things. Like the
fact Ghanaian hospitals aren't that bad . . . but aren't really that
impressive either. Especially at night. My companion is scaring
me. He started to refer to himself in the third person. Yeah I don't
know if it is because he is about ready to go home or if he is just
nuts. It is all good though since this week I will get to go to the
temple and be on splits a lot since he is our district leader.

Umm . . . this week has definitely been a rough one. Three pairs
of my pants were put out of service. My blue ones suddenly
decided it didn't like having a zipper so it came off. Both of
my black pairs got torn. One by my bike and the other by a
corner on a brick wall as we tried to find an investigator's
house in a maze of the slums. Yeah so at least I still have one
pair left so I can have something to wear. Yeah definitely
wasn't going my way and then another missionary used my
bike while I was at the hospital and when I got it back it doesn't
work quite right either. Took me a little bit to calm down since
I had barely worked on my bike and fixed it so that I wouldn't
have any more problems but it is all good.

Now that you have had some time to calm down about the hospital
part mom let me explain. There is an elder kamara who has
malaria or something really bad. His companion was complaining
about having to stay in the hospital with him so they asked me to
go babysit him. I am perfectly fine and everything so no worries.
I just got to spend about 2 days in the hospital for nothing. They
don't provide food or water at the hospital. The office managers
would bring us breakfast and we'd have to last till dinner. It was
pretty rough but I managed. I almost read the entire book of
mormon while I was there though.

There was this one teaching appointment we had this week
where we were in a courtyard area and as I was teaching one
lady my companion was teaching another who didn't speak english.
As I was teaching and barely opening my scriptures a bird flew
overhead and pooped so that it landed in my scripture case.
Luckily it missed me and my actual scriptures though. We cleaned
it up and started again and then right at the end another bird
decided that I hadn't had enough and did it again except this time
it was on the other side. Yeah I guess they saw my blonde hair
and decided that was a sweet place to drop their loads. I finally
baptized someone. Her name is Joyce Amekor and she is the
first investigator we've had that I was there from the initial
contact all the way to the baptism. Definitely is a very spiritual
thing to take someone into the water and bring them back up.
It was really different that our mission president and his wife
came since they were at the chapel before and just stuck around.
That is about it for me. Good luck with everything!!!!

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